
I am both the light and the dark of
myself and everything
in between.

I alone have
the power to choose the hue I

I alone
choose the path followed

Photo by Rhett Wesley from Unsplash

There is much power in coming to terms with the duality of human nature and then more power when we recognise it in ourselves and come to a place of peace in it.

Some judge being introspective, claiming that ‘navel gazing’ is a negative use of time and can propel us into over analysing, catastrophising and slipping into depressive states of mind.

That can happen, certainly, but when we stop long enough to hear the murmur echoing in our hearts, settle down with God’s Spirit and wait to hear what our heart has to say we may just see what He sees, even if we also must brace ourselves for a probably uncomfortable self-portrait.

This is called creating space for God to do His most important work.

Rushing past this opportunity might slingshot us further along the path and make us feel progressive, enlightened, unburdened, but we end up backtracking and using valuable time repairing the cracks in the road left in our wake.

Photo by Johannes Plenio on Pexels.com

To stop and plant our feet on the path we can ponder where we have come from, where we are now and where we hope to be. In truth, this must happen before we can move forward.

To stop the body long enough to ‘pause’ for effect does nothing more than tick a box.

To stop, pause, and practice that mysterious instruction, ‘Selah‘, surely is a given that we must do this in both the physical sense and the mental / emotional sense to connect with the truth of Jesus’ sacrifice and the healing that comes from letting Him heal us in these poignant moments.

When we skip past this step, we never truly grow the roots needed to build that unshakeable understanding of who we are in Christ.

Tragically, we may never truly experience the depth and breadth and width and height of who He truly is and why He gave everything for us if we do not possess the fortitude to wait for Him to guide our journey and the healing that comes from trusting Him.

Where are you on the path? Right now? There is no judgement here – look around you. Breathe into the experience. Ask God to show you what He would like you to see in this moment.

Photo by James Wheeler on Pexels.com

Is He showing you something in what you see? Is it from the past or the present? What does that mean to you? How does it make you feel? What do you hope to do with it now?

These, and other questions like them, help us to take stock of our spiritual, and by default, mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing. In fact, our very being is impacted by this intentional slowing of the mind, senses and thoughts that push us forward with His guiding force toward healing and revelation.

I implore you: stop. Breathe deeply. Take in this moment right now. Let God’s Holy Spirit whisper, Selah, and sitting on the path, wait expectantly.

You won’t be disappointed.

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